Media Blog

Reporters in the News

Media Blog reader John sends this in with the subject line, “Do You Suppose He Worked for “Eyewitness News?”

A local TV reporter was cited Friday morning for allegedly peeping in an occupied premise.
Eric Ralph Watson, 34, of 201 Old Grove Lane in Apex, was charged with one count of secret peeping. He was arrested shortly after 6 a.m. in the Brittany Trace subdivision, about a mile from his home.
Apex Police Capt. Ann Stephens said a neighbor saw a man matching Watson’s description Thursday afternoon on top of an air-conditioning unit peeping into the bathroom of a female neighbor.
The witness called police and alerted the residents who live at the house.
Early Friday morning, Stephens said, the woman’s husband confronted a man believed to be Watson, who approached the house again. The husband called 911, and an Apex police officer arrested Watson nearby.

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