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Press Conference Shenanigans

The Obama White House press corps now feels comfortable making 9/11 jokes at the briefing:

Q    Was there serious talk about this at the cocktail party last evening?

MR. GIBBS:  I did not attend the cocktail party last evening.  I went home to read a book to my son.  I do believe — well, did the subject come up?  Yes.  (Laughter.)

Q    “My Pet Goat”?

MR. GIBBS:  I did not read “My Pet Goat.”  No, I read — (laughter) — I read something on mummies to Ethan.  But I — yes, the subject certainly came up.  You know, the President also wanted last night to be a little bit more social, you know, so that individuals could better get to know each other and understand where they’re coming from in these legislative disagreements.  But, again, you know, the President’s outreach on this will continue.  We’ll have some folks over probably this weekend to watch the Super Bowl.

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