Media Blog


The Internet is buzzing with news that NBC has rejected a Super Bowl ad submitted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals because the ad is too sexy for network TV.  Lets just say the ad is also banned by NRO, but you can watch the video on PETA’s website, if women in lingerie and vegetables is your thing.

Anyway, this is becoming a yearly theme where an advertiser submits an ad to the network, the network rejects the ad, and then the ad become an Internet hit with tons of free publicity.  I emailed PETA about the ad and asked if PETA was out any money to NBC and here is their response:

No money was exchanged; PETA simply submitted the ad to NBC for consideration, with the intention of paying the $3 million cost. Below are all of the details, and please let me know if you have further questions.

In other words, NBC, because they declined the ad and didn’t require so much as a deposit for a review of it, has given PETA tons of free publicity.  And because PETA is featuring the ad prominently on their website, PETA has the added benefit of actually engaging viewers of the ad, something that wouldn’t really happen if the ad was just one of many sold during the big game.

Good job, NBC!

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