Media Blog

For once, an article in the liberal press tells it as it is: “Arabs pile into Darfur to take land ‘cleansed’ by Janjaweed”

For four years now, the left-liberal media has strenuously avoided mentioning that the perpetrators of the genocidal ethnic cleansing against the indigenous non-Arab population of Darfur are Arabs.
Papers like the New York Times and the Guardian and networks like the BBC and CNN have gone out of their way to ignore or downplay the fact that Arabs are behind the genocide. Of course, they wouldn’t dream of obscuring the facts like this if any other group were behind the attacks on Black Africans (Serbs, Israelis, Americans, or Europeans, for

This piece
in the normally glaringly anti-western newspaper the Independent of London (the paper of which the notorious Robert Fisk is one of the chief foreign correspondents) therefore stands out:

Arabs from Chad and Niger are crossing into Darfur in “unprecedented” numbers, prompting claims that the Sudanese government is trying systematically to repopulate the war- ravaged region.
An internal UN report, obtained by The Independent, shows that up to 30,000 Arabs have crossed the border in the past two months. Most arrived with all their belongings and large flocks. They were greeted by Sudanese Arabs who took them to empty villages cleared by government and janjaweed forces.
One UN official said the process “appeared to have been well planned”. The official continued: “This movement is very large.”

Just to be clear, before the attacks started in 2003, Darfur was home to seven million people, mainly from three African tribes, Fur, Marsalit, and Zargahwa. Darfur literally means “Land of the Fur.” Some 2.5 million have now been forced to flee after attacks by Arab militia backed by Sudanese troops and warplanes. At least 200,000 non-Arabs have been killed and countless women and young girls raped.
The 22-memeber-state Arab League has done its best at the U.N. and other international bodies to ensure nothing is done to stop these crimes.
Where are the demonstrations by the so-called Western human-rights groups outside the offices of the Arab League?
** For more on the way left-liberal media has avoided mentioning who the perpetrators of the crimes in Darfur are, see the relevant paragraphs here.
** and this piece “Silence on the Arab Street” by Kamel Labidi, a courageous Tunisian journalist, which is the sixth item here.

Tom GrossTom Gross is a former Middle East correspondent for the London Sunday Telegraph and the New York Daily News.
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