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Obama’s SNL Campaign Commercial

It’s one thing to go on SNL and participate in a skit, but has Obama crossed some sort of campaign-finance line when he got to “tweak” the script? From today’s NY Times:

The Obama campaign said yesterday that they were allowed to “tweak” the script, but the extent of such tweaks was not clear. A spokesman for the show said Mr. Obama “had as much input as any guest or host would have on the material but it was written by us, not them.” The spokesman said Mr. Obama had declined to do a prepared sketch about the fact that he and Vice President Dick Cheney are cousins.

Do the comedy writers of SNL really want us to believe they came up with this?

You know, Hillary, I have nothing to hide. I enjoy being myself. I’m not going to change who I am just because it’s Halloween.

Sounds fishy to me. The fact is Obama wasn’t doing comedy on Saturday night, he was participating in what turned out to be a funny campaign advertisement, which he’s now using on his website for his campaign. In light of this, I think Obama should have to pay for his time on SNL, just like any other advertiser.

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