Media Blog

MSM Sat Out Edwards Story

Howard Kurtz and Brian on Reliable Sources:

KURTZ: You are the reporter who broke the story a couple years ago about then-Congressman Mark Foley sending these extraordinary sexually explicit messages to teenage House pages. These seamy sex stories, does working on them make you uncomfortable?
ROSS: You know, there are a lot of stories we do. I’m more interested, you know, in chasing after the money in politics, or what’s happening with major drug store chains making errors on prescriptions, but this also is a story. It goes to what’s happening in Washington and, you know, who is being held to account. And that’s one of things that we try to do.

Oh, the sanctimony! Of course, they’d rather be shining a spotlight on the nefariousness of Big Money and Big Prescriptions, but if they really, really have to cover a sex scandal … they’d prefer it involved a Republican. Notice that Foley story didn’t sit around for a year before it got reported in the MSM.

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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