Media Blog

Mitt Romney’s Big Fundraising Day, In Perspective

Romeny’s $10 million dollar haul of money raised or pledged (pledged? More info please) is impressive, but it smells of a stunt. And Romeny’s early fundraising prowess didn’t help last time. From April 2007:

WASHINGTON — Republican Mitt Romney said Monday that he raised $23 million for his presidential bid in the first three months of the year and topped the amounts collected by some of his GOP rivals.

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, who leads several national polls for the GOP nomination, said he raised $15 million in the same period.

Arizona Sen. John McCain trailed with $12.5 million raised between Jan. 1 and Saturday, the end of the first fundraising reporting period of the year.

How’d that work out for Mitt and the mayor?

I expect equally impressive numbers form Romney’s next mega-fundraiser in Arizona, but I think it’s meaningless at this point.

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