Media Blog

Jena 6 Update

There’s a new game out called “One Degree of George Bush.” In this game, you take any media story and link it to the Bush administration in one step. Like in Jena, LA:

The Department of Justice has created a task force to handle noose-hanging investigations in five states. It investigated the Jena matter but decided not to prosecute because the federal government typically does not bring hate crimes charges against juveniles, Washington said.
Black lawmakers and activists said more forceful action by the Bush administration was needed to squelch what they claim is a sharp rise in racism in the United States.
The Rev. Al Sharpton, a New York-based civil rights activist, said that decision shows unfairness in a criminal justice system that declined to charge white students for a hate crime because they are minors, but initially chose to charge the six teens in the beating case as adults.
“These nooses were hung over a year ago sir. So I know that the wheels of justice turn slow, but they seem to be at a standstill,” said Sharpton. “That’s why we’re seeing nooses all over America.”

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