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Hillary Will Debate on MSNBC

Howard Kurtz reports:

After threatening for days to back out of a scheduled MSNBC debate on Feb. 26, Hillary Clinton’s campaign said

yesterday that she will show up for the Cleveland face-off against Barack Obama after all.
The Clinton camp said it might pull the plug after MSNBC correspondent David Shuster made his “pimped out” remark about Chelsea Clinton. As recently as Monday, after Shuster was suspended and he and network executives repeatedly apologized, Clinton communications director Howard Wolfson said he couldn’t imagine his candidate participating in a debate on that cable network.
But Wolfson confirmed today that the debate, to be moderated by Williams and Russert, is back on. Maybe, in the wake of Clinton’s wipeout yesterday in Maryland, Virginia and D.C., another shot at Obama looms larger for the Clintonites than their spat with MSNBC.

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