Media Blog

Heck of a Job, Wolfy

For someone who is running on her experience, this doesn’t give one a warm and fuzzy feeling if you’re a Clintonista:

More evidence that Team Clinton was completely unprepared for the Texas contest?
Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, herself last night told reporters, per ABC News’ Eloise Harper:  “I’ve got people trying to understand it as we speak. Grown men are crying as we speak. I had no idea it was so bizarre.”
Does the Clinton camp think this is cute? These are really odd admissions for a campaign that claims experience and preparedness.

(P.S.  “I’ve got people” plagiarizies the latest H&R Block commercial.)
(P.S.S.  There are a ton of “grown men” crying, except they’re all over in Obama HQ — and they are tears of laughter)

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