Media Blog

Has Red Ken met his match?

My friend and former colleague, Boris Johnson, former editor of Britain’s Spectator magazine and a columnist for the Daily Telegraph, is to challenge the truly awful “Red” Ken Livingstone for the position of Mayor of London.
The highly charismatic Boris, who is also a Conservative MP, is expected to electrify the race and pose the most serious challenge to Livingstone’s hopes of winning a third term.
Livingstone has made many enemies as mayor, not least through his anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism.
Among other things, Livingstone reacted to an entirely inoffensive question from a Jewish reporter for the local London paper the Evening Standard by telling him he was like a Nazi concentration camp guard; called the American ambassador to London, Robert Tuttle, a “chiselling little crook”; and told two British Jewish businessmen (who are not of Iranian origin) “go back to Iran” and live “under the ayatollahs.”


Many Londoners think it is Livingstone who is the “chiselling little crook” and will be hoping for a Boris victory.

Tom GrossTom Gross is a former Middle East correspondent for the London Sunday Telegraph and the New York Daily News.
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