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GOP Rep. Michael Grimm Threatens Reporter

New York Post:

Rep. Michael Grimm went ballistic on a TV reporter on camera Tuesday night after the State of the Union address at the Capitol — and threatened to throw him over a balcony and “break you in half.”

The Staten Island Republican was in the rotunda of the Cannon Office Building discussing on camera the president’s speech with NY1′s Michael Scotto when the reporter tried to ask him about recent campaign-finance allegations.

Grimm stormed off, and Scotto explained that he wanted Grimm to address financial shenanigans surrounding the congressman’s 2010 campaign. Seconds later, Grimm charged back and got in Scotto’s face.

“Let me be clear to you, you ever do that to me again, I’ll throw you off this f–king balcony,” Grimm said. “You’re not man enough. I’ll break you in half. Like a boy.”

Here’s the video of the incident. Grimm has since apologized to Scotto, and Scotto has accepted.

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