Media Blog

Gibson to WNT

Today ABC announced that Good Morning America co-host Charles Gibson will become the next anchor of ABC’s World News Tonight. After co-anchor Bob Woodruff sustained a terrible injury in Iraq, making the pregnant Elizabeth Vargas the sole anchor, WNT went into a ratings tailspin. It is currently in third place among the network newscasts.
ABC will not immediately name a replacement for Gibson on GMA. He’ll do both jobs through the month of June.
Rich Noyes highlights some of Gibson’s more revealing quotes from the past few years. No one quote stands out as particularly awful, but taken together they indicate more of the same liberal media groupthink — like we saw with the Couric-Vieira-O’Donnell swap, the major networks are just shuffling their deck of overpaid liberals. If ABC had picked John Stossel — now that would be newsworthy.

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