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Gibson Fires Back

Via TVNewser, FNC’s John Gibson shot back at CNN’s Jack Cafferty, who earlier this week criticized Dick Cheney for giving his exclusive interview to Fox:

JACK CAFFERTY: Well, I obviously didn’t see it because it hasn’t been released in its entirety yet. But I would guess it didn’t exactly represent a Profile in Courage for the vice president to wander over there to the f-word network for a sit down with Brit Hume. That’s a little like Bonnie interviewing Clyde, ain’t it? Where was the news conference? Where was the access to all of the members of the media? Whatever.

Here’s John Gibson’s reply:

Over there on CNN, it wasn’t enough to attack Cheney, they had to attack us! The typical political venue for those who somebody who wants to go and give their side of the story and not be challenged in the least is Larry King. Cheney did not avail himself of that venue. He went to Brit Hume. Now, whatever you think about Fox, Brit’s no chump. He’s going to ask the questions and he did ask the questions. In fact, he got Cheney in some trouble, because he asked about this story that Scooter Libby said that he was empowered by his superiors — that would be Cheney — to release certain information that was in a National Intelligence Estimate. Well, Brit asked him about that. […]
So Cheney did answer some important questions, and was confronted with some important questions, and yet we have you know, people, has-beens on other networks, referring to the f-word network. What? I mean, people have gone around the bend.

At that point, Gibson played the Cafferty clip. Gibson’s response?

Why don’t you just shut up? What are you losing, 2 to 1 at 5 o clock? I know that: it’s 2 to 1. 2 to 1 at 5 o clock, Cafferty, and you call that the f-word network? [another Cafferty clip: “He’s not going to get any high hard ones from anybody at the f-word network] Oh really? Well what about Larry King? That’s the usual venue for people who want the toothless interview. He leaves his damn teeth in a glass of water by the microphone! He gums ‘em to death! Geez. These people are off the charts!

Gibson’s parting shot: “Has CNN reached terminal jealousy velocity?”
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