Media Blog

First They Move into the White House …

… and then they want to lean on the ratings-watchers:

NEW YORK (AP) — ABC News is crying foul over a report that says “World News” most likely had its smallest audience ever.

The network has asked Nielsen Media Research to investigate. The company initially reported that a little more than 4 million people watched “World News” last Friday, the first night of the digital switch over.

Usually, more than 7 million watch the ABC broadcast on Fridays. ABC says a drop-off from the average could have been expected, especially given the slow summer season, but a disappearance of 3 million people didn’t make any sense.

Nielsen Media Research says it is looking into the case.

A Mickey-Mouse network, after all.

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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