Media Blog

Exchange of the Day

From today’s press gaggle:

Q Nonetheless, Republicans in the House don’t seem to be any more thrilled by this bill than they were the last one. And Nancy Pelosi says she might not even bring it up unless the President can deliver 70 —
MR. FRATTO: We’re not going to talk about targets on numbers of votes. We want to see — any difficult issue that you bring to Congress is going to require courage and leadership. And I think we want to see that. We’re seeing some of that from, certainly, the leaders that we worked with in crafting the bill. We’ll certainly need leadership in the House to be committed to solving this problem. It can only be a bipartisan effort. We know that. And so that’s what we’re committed to.
As for members who have questions about the bill, it’s a very complicated issue, it’s a very complex piece of legislation. And I think we encourage them to take a good look at it, and if they do, I think they’ll see that this is — you know, no one will agree with every single provision in this bill. But I think if they step back and look at it in toto, they’ll see it’s a very smart way to proceed.
Q What provision does the President not agree with?
MR. FRATTO: I think the President agrees with every provision in this bill.

I don’t know what’s funnier — that Nancy Pelosi is potentially the White House’s best ally on this or that we’re supposed to believe that the President agrees with every provision of the bill.

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