Media Blog

Diane Sawyer: McCain Not As Hip As Syrian Tyrant

In one of the typical networks excesses in campaign trivia, there was this exchange on Tuesday’s edition of Good Morning America on ABC:

KATE SNOW: Around the water cooler this morning, Blender magazine got a list together. Each of the presidential candidates, what they listen to, what’s on their i-Pods and we’re going to roll some of these quite different-
SAWYER: John McCain has an i-Pod?
SNOW: Yeah, I think they both do.
SAWYER: Really?
SNOW: I think.

Translation: John McCain doesn’t have an i-Pod. He has a snazzy Sixties Hi-Fi and a pile of Ray Conniff LPs. This trivia is only insulting when you consider that Sawyer would sniff at McCain, but use the i-Pod as a point of puffery with Syrian dictator Bashir Assad back in February 2007:

SAWYER: Do you have an iPod?
SAWYER: What’s on it?
ASSAD: What’s on it? Plenty of songs. Arabic and westerns. Some French, because my foreign language used to be French before English.
SAWYER: And you’re a country music fan. Faith Hill? Shania Twain?
ASSAD: [Laughs] Yeah.

I’m not sure Americans really needed to picture that Syrian tyrants bop their heads to Shania singing ”Man! I Feel Like A Woman!”

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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