Media Blog

Daily Kos Now Too Crazy For Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann is mad at the Kos Kids:

Olbermann, incensed by the commenter, later fired off a posted titled “Check, Please” explaining that he won’t be “back” to the site until it stops delving into “conspiracy theories.”

“‘Can’t verify’… ‘haven’t checked’…It can’t be verified because it’s nonsense, and it wasn’t checked because nobody bothered,” Olbermann said before launching into a critique of the blog.

“For years, from the Katrina days onward, whenever I stuck my neck out, I usually visited here as the clichéd guy in the desert stopping by the oasis,” he wrote. “I never got universal support, and never expected it, nor wanted it (who wants an automatic ‘Yes’ machine?). But I used to read a lot about how people here would ‘always have my back,’ and trust me this was of palpable value as I fought opponents external and internal who try to knock me and Rachel off the air, all the time, in ways you can imagine and others you can’t.”

Olbermann went on to say that he understood if some of his viewers were frustrated to see him criticizing the president but that he would not stand for being accused of doing so just to boost ratings.

“To accuse me, after five years of risking what I have to present the truth as I see it, of staging something for effect, is deeply offensive to me and is an indication of what has happened here,” the liberal host wrote. “You want cheerleaders? Hire the Buffalo Jills. You want diaries with conspiracy theories, go nuts. If you want this site the way it was even a year ago, let me know and I’ll be back.”



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