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Crusty Plutocrats for Obama

True to form and contrary to the stereotype, the very wealthy continue to support the Left, in this case as personified by Barack Obama. Via Nielsen:

With the presidential campaign of Senator Barack Obama touting record political contributions for the month of September, Nielsen Claritas has taken a look at the source of Sen. Obama’s and Sen. McCain contributions through the lens of lifestyle attributes and socio-economic data, such as income, age, occupation, education, and household composition.

… Claritas’s “Young Digerati” segment — comprised of [sic] affluent, highly educated, ethnically mixed and tech-savvy residents of fashionable urban fringe neighborhoods — gave more than three-quarters of its contributions to Obama.

While it may not be surprising that Young Digerati, who form the core of Obama’s base, are strong contributors to his campaign, it is interesting that the “Upper Crust” segment, the wealthiest lifestyle in America, are also strong Obama supporters. The Upper Crust, a haven for empty-nesting couples between the ages of 45 and 64 with a high concentration of residents who earn more than $100,000 a year and possess a postgraduate degree, gave 59% of their 2008 campaign contributions to Obama.

Voting with their pocketbooks, the Upper Crust prefers Obama 3-to-2. There’s a storyline you won’t be reading in the dinosaur press.
NOTE: Those longshoremen I mentioned earlier today would qualify as the “Upper Crust” under some parts of this definition — more than $100,000 in income — but not under parts of the definition. Of course, we know that Billionaires for Obama is a hot cause, too.

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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