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Carter: Shalit Abduction “Probably a Mistake,” But Israel Should Have Released Prisoners

Today on CNN’s The Situation Room, Jimmy Carter followed up his performance on Larry King last night with even more Israel-bashing:

CARTER:  … and Gaza is now completely surrounded by a high wall with only two openings in it, and this wall is being built to confiscate even more land that’s owned by Palestinians.
BLITZER: But the Israelis did pull out of Gaza only to find that these Katusha rockets, these other rockets, have been launched from Gaza into the southern part of Israel.
CARTER: Israel withdrew from Gaza, and then the Palestinians… what precipitated this was not the Katusha rockets, it was the seizure of an Israeli soldier, which was probably a mistake on their side. So the Palestinians do hold one Israeli soldier. The Israelis hold 9,200 Palestinians, as I said earlier, including 300 children and about 100 women. And as soon as the Palestinians took this soldier, immediately they offered to swap this soldier to the Israelis for a limited number of women and children being held by the Israelis in prison. The Israelis rejected that offer.

And what an offer it was! I can’t imagine why Israel rejected it.
Video here.

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