Media Blog

Calame “May Eventually Have to Write Something” About Miller

From Editor and Publisher:

While [former NYTimes public editor Dan] Okrent declined to comment on how the Times had been covering the Miller story, or on [current NYTimes public editor Barney] Calame’s decision so far not to write about it, he indicated he would have savored such an issue to review… [snip]
Calame, who took over the public editor column in June and has a two-year contract to write it, declined to comment on Okrent’s views. He hinted, however, that he may eventually have to write something about the Miller coverage, given the interest from readers and the fact that the newspaper is busily preparing its promised report on Miller’s involvement.

Calame “may eventually have to write something about the Miller coverage”? Please Barney, take your time.
Meanwhile, a Times reader gets an implausible response from Calame regarding the paper’s decision not to pursue the story about Sen. Chuck Schumer’s involvement in the illegal raid on Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele’s credit history.

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