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“Bush is not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo”

According to the Qatari daily Al-Watan, Iran has let it be known that it has missiles capable of reaching 600 targets in Israel, which it says it would use if Iran is attacked by the United States. The Arabic link is here. (The article was not published by the paper in English.)

Meanwhile, the balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favor of military action before President George Bush leaves office in 18 months, the British paper The Guardian reports today:

The shift follows an internal review involving the White House, the Pentagon and the state department over the last month. Although the Bush administration is in deep trouble over Iraq, it remains focused on Iran. A well-placed source in Washington said: “Bush is not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo.”

Vice President Dick Cheney, who has long favored the possible use of military action against Iran, has apparently won the president’s support over Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, both of whom are said to oppose considering military action against Iran.

Tom GrossTom Gross is a former Middle East correspondent for the London Sunday Telegraph and the New York Daily News.
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