Media Blog

Bush Can’t Win

After President Bush briefed reporters on his intention to visit the area affected by Hurricane Rita as soon as possible, one reporter yelled, “Sir, what good can you do going down to the hurricane zone? Might you get in the way?”
Bush, who had already started walking away, turned around:

BUSH: We’re going to make sure we’re not in the way of the operations. What I am going to do is observe the relationship between the state and local government.

Then a reporter (possibly the same one) yelled, “Well, critics are saying this is an overcompensation for the response to Katrina.”
This is why it’s impossible to have an intelligent debate about Bush’s response to the hurricanes. The press hates him and blames him no matter what he does.
Video here.
UPDATE: Several readers have identified the reporter in question as NBC’s David Gregory. As Steve T. put it, “No surprise there.”

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