Media Blog

Bringing a Knife to a Gun Fight

As if we needed an additional reminder about the Chicago-style politics at play in this election, Sen. Barack Obama offered the following on how he’ll handle any negative campaigning by team McCain:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

John McCain feels the same way, but insert “terrorists” or “Iran” for “they.”
As for Obama, the phrase would be, “If Iran brings a knife to the fight, we will offer them membership in the WTO.”
And why isn’t the MSM jumping all over Obama for this? Could you imagine Keith Olbermann’s reaction if it was John McCain who had made reference to shooting Obama? Consider how worked up he got over Hillary mentioning the RFK assassination.
(Of course, after seeing how good Obama’s aim is while bowling, if he did bring a gun to the fight, Sen. McCain would have little to fear.)

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