Media Blog

Bigotry of Low Expectations, Anyone?

Ace looks at the media’s relentlessly positive spin on the Pew Center’s new poll of Muslims in America, which found that a quarter think terrorism is justified. Some headlines he collected:

USAToday: Poll: Most Muslims seek to adopt American lifestyle 
VOA: Poll: US Muslims Feel Post-9/11 Backlash Despite Moderate Outlook
International Herald Tribune: Muslims assimilate better in U.S. than Europe, poll finds
Chicago Tribune: U.S. Muslims more content, assimilated than those abroad
The Pew polling organization itself: Muslim Americans: Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream

Jonah writes:

I don’t object to reporting the fact that our Muslim community is more assimilated and less radicalized than similar communities in Europe and elsewhere. By all means, let’s hear about that. But isn’t the fact that 13% of American Muslims say suicide bombing of civilians is justifiable significant?

Not significant enough to lead the story, apparently.

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