Media Blog

Best Spitzer Headline of the Day

The Daily News: “Pay for Luv Gov”
The Times’ “Spitzer, Linked to Sex Ring as a Client, Gives an Apology” will not get them accused of vulgar sensationalism. (What’s this? “Governor Is Said to Weigh Resignation After Inquiry”? They’re just trying to sell newspapers!)
The New York Sun, which had the good sense not to report yesterday’s news today, has a forward-looking take on the story–whether Spitzer will survive in office: “Spitzer’s Future as Governor in Doubt … A Criminal Case Possible Under The Mann Act.”
Everybody always says that voters, high-minded people that we are, don’t care about sleaze and scandal–”We care about the issues!” I’d love to compare the single-copy sales figures of the New York metro papers today against some Tuesday morning when the Times is leading with one of their patented microcredit-in-Micronesia stories and see if that’s true.

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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