Media Blog

And Rupert takes action?

The link I gave earlier to The Wall Street Journal article that failed to call Imad Mughniyeh a terrorist has just been changed. (I sent my media blog item to several senior staffers at the Journal, a paper I occasionally write both op-eds and book reviews for.)
The Journal article now begins:

The accused mastermind behind Hezbollah’s deadliest terrorist attacks, including operations that killed civilians and U.S military personnel alike, died Wednesday in an apparent car bombing in Syria, an assassination that his organization is blaming on “Israeli criminal hands.”

Meanwhile, dozens of other papers are still calling Mughniyeh–who mass murdered civilians in Argentina, Lebanon, Israel, on TWA airflights, and so on–a “militant”. Here, for example, at The New York Times-owned International Herald Tribune.

Tom GrossTom Gross is a former Middle East correspondent for the London Sunday Telegraph and the New York Daily News.
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