Media Blog

Al Gore: An Inconvenient Censor

Wired reports:

Today the RSA security conference sent out an announcement detailing the rules of engagement for press covering the event (which begins April 7 in San Francisco). At the bottom of the e-mail is a message noting that in accordance with an agreement the conference made with former Vice President Al Gore, press will not be allowed to attend his keynote presentation at the conference. Video recordings, broadcasts and photography are also prohibited.

And Kim Zetter from Wired reports of another run in with Gore-the-censor:

When he gave his now-famous global warming slide presentation at the TED conference in 2006 (Technology, Entertainment and Design) I tried to approach him after the presentation to ask a question and was thwarted by his aggressive spokesman who planted himself between me and the former v.p. and griped that I’d been allowed to attend the presentation. He said the talk was supposed to have been off-limits to press (although the conference organizers never mentioned this to me, and no one tried to prevent me from entering the auditorium, although my badge clearly indicated I was press). Gore’s spokesman took down my name and affiliation and warned that I wasn’t to write anything about the event.

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