Media Blog

ABC Lies

Good Morning America has a piece up on Michelle Obama.  The lie:

Google “Michelle Obama” and the term “whitey” and you’ll find conservative bloggers claiming a video shows her using the racially tinged term at Trinity Church. No tape has ever surfaced. But the claim helped prompt the Obama campaign to launch its own Web site,

The tape rumor, as everyone other than ABC knows, was started by Clinton supporter Larry Johnson on his blog.  And since Obama will now “Fight the Smears”, <a href="″>Johnshon has 6 new ones for the Obama team to answer:

Missing documents to be released ASAP should include:
1. Birth certificate – read the Internet…There is a growing buzz about your reported refusal to release it. Put these silly rumors to rest, and publish immediately!
2. College records. It’s said that you refuse to release them, especially those from Columbia. Surely this must be inaccurate information. Please provide them right away in order to quash these pesky allegations!
3. State Senate records. Now this one is really ridiculous. Can you believe that some of your detractors are claiming that you are hiding records from your work as an Illinois State Senator? You must make a big to-do about publishing these public records; perhaps a highly promoted speech or press conference would do the trick.
4. Medical records. Is it true that you refuse to provide your medical records? Oh my, this will not go over well with the American public because they will assume that you are hiding something important about your mental or physical well-being. These must be disclosed immediately!
5. Passport. Believe it or not, I have read on the Internet that you don’t want anyone to see your old passports. Surely you must realize that this, once again, looks like you’re hiding something. Were there places you visited that you wish to keep secret? Gosh, I hope not because this kind of thing will easily be uncovered by opposition researchers. Yikes, better get the info out in the public domain pronto!
6. Application to Illinois Bar. There are Internet murmurs that you might not have disclosed previous drug use and any other potential criminal activity, as required. Wow, the bloggers sure are resourceful, who would have thought those questions would come up? All the more reason to just get everything OUT now!

Which is why “Fight the Smears” maybe wasn’t such a good idea.

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