Liberal Fascism

Spreading the Word

From a reader:

Dear Jonah:

The latest Yale Alumni Magazine which features the WFB “Prodigal Son” stories also has this sentence in a review of  Ben Keirnan’s new book entitled “Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur”: 

“Collectivist, utopian ideologies like fascism, communism and Islamism, as Kiernan’s study plainly shows, are particularly predisposed to genocide”

 To my knowledge, a similar sentence listing communism and fascism in the same category has not appeared in YAM before.  The review was by Matthew Kaminski Class of 1994 who is the editorial page editor of the WSJ Europe.

Perhaps your thesis is beginning to make inroads at Marxist bastions of academia?

Me: I dunno how much credit I deserve for this. Kamminski probably didn’t need me to tell him any of this (if he read it at all). But it’s a good sign nonetheless. 

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