Liberal Fascism

Egalitarianism & Fascism

From a reader:

Jonah:   Finished LF — a library copy I’m afraid, so I didn’t help your count.   Great job!  I can remember being mocked in college (84-88) for saying that Japan had a fascist industrial policy.  With a couple of rare exceptions, even the well read students regarded fascism as nothing more than a term of abuse.   Regarding the egalitarianism of the Nazi social revolution, I recall reading, I believe in Foxes of the Desert,, an account of the desert war that was very sympathetic to National Socialism.    The author stressed how different the new, National Socialist Army was from the old, aristocratic, Prussian Army, and how the Italians, despite a much older fascist government, had not undergone a similar social revolution.  He sets out the scene of four Africa Corps soldiers, a Major and three Privates, sitting on the fenders of a car, amically chatting, and eating from identical cans of rations, with a group of astounded Italians watching.      Such a scene was not comment worthy in the new National Socialist Army, the author explained –  while military rank was certainly important, there were no social barriers to between a Privates and a Field Grade Officer in off duty moments.   The Italian Army, in contrast, was very socially conscious.  It operated no less than six messes, one each for General Officers, Field Grade Officers, Company Grade Officers, Senior NCOs, Junior NCOs, and Privates.  Italian Officers expected that, even in the field, unless actually under fire, they would dine off of china, and drink wine out of crystal, all served by white gloved mess attendants.  An Italian Major would not never have voluntarily eaten the same rations as Privates, much less casually shared a meal with them.   Again great job.

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