Liberal Fascism

Debating LF

From a reader:


I traveled from the Iowa hamlet where I live to Omaha today (I’m a high school debate coach, and we had a competition there), and thought you might appreciate an availability update on Liberal Fascism.  I found five (5) copies on display at the Barnes & Noble store near the tournament site.  Four were displayed prominently (i.e., eye-level) in the “New” section of “Current Events,” full-frontal.  The fifth was in the CE section proper, alphabetically by author’s last name.

I bought one, obviously.  Full retail, too, baby; don’t spend it all in one place!

Haven’t cracked it open yet (just returned home), but can hardly wait.  In the meantime, I can tell you as a professional (rhetoric major in college, professional argumentation and debate instructor and coach for more than a quarter of a century) that virtually every negative response I’ve read on your blog (or when I’ve followed links) commits a least two or three garden-variety argumentative errors.  Kind of amusing that folks fulminating about how weak/non-existent your argument is don’t recognize a defective argument themselves when it issues forth from their own word-processors.  Honestly, some of the “refutations” I’ve read commit blunders so obvious my first-year debaters could spot them.  That these people pass themselves off as experts at evaluating someone else’s arguments borders on self-parody.  Not news to you, of course…

Anyway, just thought I’d share that at least here in the heartland of America it took me less than 10 minutes to locate and purchase your book.  God bless America!

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