Human Exceptionalism

What’s It All About Alfie? Coup de Culture Hitting UK Hard

It has been a very dispiriting experience to see how things are in the UK. The country’s leadership seems lost in a fog of relativism and intent to destroy many of the cultural attributes of society that made the country great.

There is the Brave New Britain, oft written of here, of course. But the subject of this post, I think, is a very good example of how the “hedonism” aspect of the coup de culture causes terrible problems–and the leadership that should be striving to reverse things instead keep pushing the very devolution of standards that led to the moaned about problem in the first place.

The country is all atwitter because a 13-year-old boy named Alfie Patten (pictured left) became a father. The lad and his 15-year-old girl friend have had their pictures all over the place with their baby. People are demanding to know how things have come to this pass that children are giving birth, etc.. (There is speculation that Alfie might not be the actual sperm provider since the girl was apparently sleeping with several boys and money is exchanging hands about the story, illustrating another aspect of the problem. But that is no matter to the point of this post.)

With the widespread upset about Alfie in mind, consider the story in the Sunday Times of London yesterday, in which a front page story reported about how the government is urging parents not to teach their kids right from wrong when it comes to sex. From the story:

Parents should avoid trying to convince their teenage children of the difference between right and wrong when talking to them about sex, a new government leaflet is to advise. Instead, any discussion of values should be kept “light” to encourage teenagers to form their own views, according to the brochure, which one critic has called “amoral”…

It advises: “Discussing your values with your teenagers will help them to form their own. Remember, though, that trying to convince them of what’s right and wrong may discourage them from being open.

How do they think that is going to help reduce the phenomenon of 13-year-old fathers and 15- year-old girls with several boy friends at once all enjoying “privileges”? If they wanted to produce a society that scratches every itch, indulges every desire, and casts responsibility to the wind, like we increasingly have today, I can’t think of a better way to make it so than for parents to stand back indifferently and let children in heat from the hormonal explosion of puberty decide on their own what is right and wrong in sexual ethics. They sure don’t do that about smoking tobacco!

It isn’t just the sex. It is the symbolic importance of this story, which I think illustrates vividly the collapse of moral and critical thinking in which we are being engulfed. Insanity.

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