Human Exceptionalism

For UK Human Cloners It’s Never Enough

The UK may have the most radical public policy when it comes to cloning and biotechnology in the world. Want to buy eggs for cloning? Go right ahead. Make cloned human/animal hybrid clones? Be our guest. In fact, I have decided that the guiding slogan of the regulators in Brave New Britain is, “We never say no.”

And still, the cloning scientists are not happy. As reported by the Guardian:“Excessive bureaucracy imposed by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority was prohibiting development in stem cell research and threatening Britain’s position as a world leader in the field, Alison Murdoch, director of the Newcastle Centre for Life fertility clinic, said.

“The delays were stifling efforts to understand the cloning process which could boost the knowledge of serious diseases and produce stem cells, she told a meeting of British stem cell scientists held by the science minister, Malcolm Wicks. ‘The burden is almost at the point where it is stopping development.'”

There’s always an excuse, isn’t there? UK cloners are acting as if their research is the only consideration that matters. And their sense of entitlement grows more than wearisome. Or to put it another way, they should stop acting like spoiled brats.

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