Human Exceptionalism

UC Davis Animal Researchers Threatened with Death

Bomb threats should be called what they are: Death threats. Animal researchers at UC Davis are being threatened. From the story:

Police at UC Davis are on high alert while they are investigating a threat made on a controversial Web site targeting two of the university’s researchers.

According to UC Davis spokesman Andy Fell, the “Revolutionary Cells Animal Liberation Brigade” posted on a Web site that they had sent mail bombs to the UC Davis researchers late Saturday. The researchers work at the California National Primate Research Center, which conducts tests on primates to try and benefit human and animal health. The center does studies on HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, asthma, autism and Alzheimer’s disease.

This should be condemned unequivocally by everyone, regardless of their beliefs about the use of animals in research. But the silence from most leaders of the animal rights movement continues to be deafening.

Remember, letter bombs were the murder weapon of choice of the UNABOMBER. Such threats may or may not be empty, but they are terrorism.

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