Human Exceptionalism

Texas Aborts Abortion

The Texas abortion regulations have withstood federal appeal. From the Houston Chronicle story:

A divided federal appeals court ruled Thursday evening to allow Texas’s tough new abortion regulations to take effect, a decision that is expected to force all but seven clinics in the state to close…

The provisions require abortion doctors to obtain admitting privileges at a nearby hospital and abortion facilities to meet the standards of hospital-style surgical centers.

Is it not ironic that Planned Parenthood says only 3 percent of its business is abortion, yet closes its clinics en masse when the abortion going gets tough? What about all those breast exams they claim to be about?

Will the Fifth Circuit take it en banc? Don’t know. 

Will the case go to the Supreme Court if it survives the Fifth? I think so.  Will it survive the Supremes? Don’t know.

Could this case help lead to a pro-abortion reversal of Roe v. Wade? I think so. At least, that is where the pro abortion activists will now try to go.

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