Human Exceptionalism

Sarah Palin Psychosis: Shoot and Eat a Moose–Support Killing Jews?

Sarah Palin psychosis continues undiminished: Now, Democratic Representative Alcee Hastings told a Jewish audience that Sarah Palin is probably a threat to Jews and blacks–because she hunts. From the story:

“If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention,” Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida said at a panel about the shared agenda of Jewish and African-American Democrats Wednesday. Hastings, who is African-American, was explaining what he intended to tell his Jewish constituents about the presidential race. “Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through,” Hastings added as the room erupted in laughter and applause.

Very funny. To think, this man was once a judge.

Hastings’ incendiary and outrageous demagoguery–he essentially accused Palin of anti-Semitism and racism, after all–is worrying because of what it might portend for the balance of the campaign. Still, I am sure PETA would agree with Hastings since it once asserted that eating meat made one the moral equivalent of an SS guard at Auschwitz in the infamous Holocaust on Your Plate Campaign, and that animal husbandry was the moral equivalent of lynching in its odious Animal Liberation Project.

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