Human Exceptionalism

Outlaw Human Cloning Before Too Late

The head of a Chinese company that mass manufactures cloned animals claims that he could do it with humans. From the AFP story:

The Chinese scientist behind the world’s biggest cloning factory has technology advanced enough to replicate humans, he told AFP, and is only holding off for fear of the public reaction…l”The technology is already there,” Xu said. “If this is allowed, I don’t think there are other companies better than Boyalife that make better technology.”

The firm does not currently engage in human cloning activities, Xu said, adding that it has to be “self-restrained” because of possible adverse reaction. But social values can change, he pointed out, citing changing views of homosexuality and suggesting that in time humans could have more choices about their own reproduction.

I sincerely doubt it. Human cloning has been done–but it remains very difficult to get the cloned embryos to the blastocyst stage when they could be implanted for gestation.

But research into human cloning techniques continues, with efficiency increasing. Over time, I have little doubt that the attempt will be made.

Human Cloning is to create life to serve our purposes, intended to have a predetermined genetic makeup using a manufacturing process, complete with quality control, such as CRISPR, the genetic engineering technique.

It is also to create human life as an experiment, to be manipulated and discarded as methods are perfected for various utilitarian uses, whether research, organ farming, or made-to-order babies.

Think about the irony: At the very time some complain that there are too many people suffocating the planet and causing climate change, when countless children who have no parents are desperate for a home, we also seriously entertain new and increasingly novel methods of procreating or replicating–for the very rich and privileged, at least.

If we don’t want that to happen, we have to stop research into human cloning techniques and focus our energies into ethical biotechnological research.

Or, we can float on the waves and allow “the scientists” to decide. Because that is certainly our current course.

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