Human Exceptionalism

Obamacarian Says American Voters are Stupid

GRUBER: "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage."

They think they are so smart. But they are really just fast-talking boobs.

And listen to how the words tumble out of Obamacarian Jonathan Gruber’s mouth as he admits Obamacare was designed to be a jumbled mess, or in his words,“intentionally written in a tortured way” to game the system and fool the American people to just get the bill passed!

And then he has the temerity to “blame the stupidity of the American voter” for forcing the Obamacare duplicity.

But we weren’t fooled, which is why the Democrats in Congress stuffed it down our unwilling throats.

Because of hubristic technocrats like Gruber–and undemocratic Democrats–we are now stuck with a dishonest law that no one really understands, and which is a disastrous mess.

But Karma’s a bitch. Because he would “rather have the law than not,” Gruber’s masters, the Democrats, have lost almost half of their U.S. Senate seats and may be out of power in the House until the 2020s. President Obama’s approval on Gallop today is 39%. It’s all connected.

The Grubers of America are so proud of themselves–I mean look at the man’s expression. But his ilk’s bad faith got us into this mess.

Lacking the essential common sense of their supposed lessers, the American people, “THE EXPERTS” are the architects of American decline.

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