Human Exceptionalism

NHS Meltdown: Surgeries Rationed, Hospitals to Close

The NHS implosion continues.  From the Telegraph story:

NHS patients should expect continued rationing of common operations for years to come, while hospital closures are “inevitable”, according to an influential think-tank. John Appleby, chief economist at The King’s Fund, also warned services in some hospitals could seriously deteriorate due to the impact of the economic crisis. He said it was highly unlikely the NHS budget would be significantly increased in the foreseeable future.

Against this grim financial background managers are being asked to get 5p more value from every £1 they spend, every year, partially to keep up with the   increasing demands of an ageing population. Patients have already experienced the effect of this. For example, nine in 10 trusts have introduced tighter criteria to qualify for a range of procedures deemed to be of ‘low clinical value’ – including hip and knee replacements, cataract removals and weight-loss surgery.

Whew. It’s the UK, not the USA. After the Roberts Obamacare abomination, I thought I was looking in a mirror.

All in good time, my pretty. All in good time.

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