Human Exceptionalism

Final Exit Network is a Death Cult

CBS has a story from the Final Exit Network training manual and it validates my every suspicion that the group is a death cult. From the story:

The training manual provides a detailed, behind-the-scenes look at how the network operated. It was written for what the network called “first responders,” or the first to speak to those seeking help committing suicide.

“You, as the first responder, are a special person,” the manual says. “You all were attracted to this program because of a compassionate interest … Sometimes that means to ‘hear’ a desperation that the member does not know how to communicate and softly voice it for them.”

The manual tells guides that if they’ve planned carefully, they can “anticipate this special day with a sense of peace and celebration.”

“If this is your first case, you no doubt will be nervous from the responsibility, but you can try to keep a sense of celebration about the proceedings to come,” the manual says.After a member has killed him or herself in the presence of two exit guides, the guides “usually go to a restaurant to quietly celebrate.”

There’s a word for this: S.I.C.K.

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