Human Exceptionalism

Cloned Fetal Farming: Here We Come

For the last year I have been jumping up and down and hollering that therapeutic cloning isn’t really about embryonic stem cells. Rather, once the research is finished in the Petri dish, it will be moving to cloned fetal farming for organ harvesting and use in drug testing. Thus, New Jersey has passed a law permitting cloning through the ninth month and other state legislatures had similar proposals before them. (Here is an article describing the law I wrote before its passage.)

Now there is more evidence being produced by Slate’s biotech reporter, Will Saletan. Saletan, an excellent journalist on these matters (although I often disagree with him), is now writing a five-part series demonstrating that cloned fetal farming may be the actual target of therapeutic cloning. I have linked here to the second article. You can get to the first from there. I’ll post others as they come out and perhaps add a few comments.

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