Human Exceptionalism

Amendment 2 Narrowly Passes

It was close, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, as they say. Amendment 2 passed with about 51% of the vote.

It’s hard to fight against $30 million. But the no campaign proved that people do not like cloning for any purpose, which is why the proponents deceived voters into thinking they were not legalizing it with a yes vote. And, they worry about egg harvesting and the Brave New World that biotechnologists plan for us.

This fight over cloning is going to be long and hard. It does not end in Missouri. I believe that the hubris of the forces of unfettered research will eventually bring down their Brave New World agenda around their ears. But that might take awhile. People yearn to have serious illnesses ameliorated. The siren song of ESCR and research cloning hits a deep cord.

The question becomes, how far are people willing to permit biotechnologists to go in treating human life like a crop if they believe it will lead to CURES! CURES! CURES!I don’t know the answer. And if ESCR disappoints, as I expect it will, how will they react when these same scientists urge that they be permitted to engage in fetal farming and/or the harvesting patients in PVS? These agendas are already being promoted in some quarters. Again, I don’t know.

Still, the struggle is worth making, the intrinsic value of all human life is worth fighting for. The close election over Amendment 2, while disheartening, is not any reason to assume the game is over. In fact, it has only just begun.

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