The Corner


He seems to be channeling some Baghdad Bob these days:


NEW YORK: Al Qaida’s No. 2 commander appeared on Wednesday in a new video on a website used by Islamist militant groups, urging unity in jehad and calling for the overthrow of “corrupt” Muslim governments in the region.

Zawahiri said in the message that the defeat of the West is imminent, and that “the enemy” is trying to forestall the inevitable.

“The good omens of the new dawn of victory have begun to loom on the horizon, with Allah’s permission and will,” he said.


Although it certainly sounds like he thinks the central front in the war on terror is in Iraq:

Zawahiri lashed out at those who did not accept the “Islamic State of Iraq”, and said that it

was crucial to the revival of an Islamic Caliphate.

US commanders say tribal leaders are increasingly turning against Al Qaida, but Zawahiri said there was growing support from the Iraqi people.

“Today, the wind — grace of Allah — is blowing against Washington,” he said.

In the transcript, Zawahiri called for unity in Iraq. “The Mujahideen of Islam in Iraq of the caliphate and jehad are advancing with steady steps toward victory….” he said. “The first thing which our beloved brothers in Iraq must realise is the critical nature of unity,” he said, calling on all Muslims to support the fight there and elsewhere.

He said the “long-term” plan for the movement consisted of fighting to change “corrupt and corruptive regimes” and “hurrying to the fields of jehad like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia for jehadi preparation and training”.  

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