The Corner

You’re Invited!

Are you going to Washington, D.C., for the big Tax Day Tea Party and grassroots lobbying of Congress this Thursday? If so, there’s a gathering you should know about.


Americans for Tax Reform, Americans for Prosperity,, The Daily Caller, FreedomWorks, and First Friday have put together a welcoming happy hour for out-of-towners the Wednesday night before the festivities, so conservative activists from across the country can get together and get to know each other in a non-formal, and much quieter, setting.


The event takes place at Lounge 201, located at 201 Massachusetts Ave. NE, one block away from the Senate office buildings on Capitol Hill, and starts at 6:00 pm. The closest Metro stop is Union Station.


Members of Congress, political celebrities, congressional staffers, and activists from across the country are expected to attend, so get there early.


In keeping with the arduous congressional rules governing members and staff, and the spirit of the government’s latest foray into everything, drinks at the event will not be free but will be subsidized, so it will be a very inexpensive evening that will afford you the opportunity to meet and network with like-minded, freedom-loving individuals from across the country. Be there!

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