The Corner

You Might Want to Put Some ICE on That

Over at Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security, the war on women claims another victim:

A top official at Immigration and Customs Enforcement has resigned following allegations by several subordinates of lewd behavior. 

ICE Chief of Staff Suzanne Barr submitted her resignation in a letter, obtained by, to ICE Director John Morton. She rejected the allegations against her as “unfounded” but said she didn’t want to distract from the agency’s mission… 

The resignation comes nearly three weeks after Barr went on leave over the allegations. The questions about Barr’s conduct were first raised in a lawsuit filed by an ICE official against Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano — the lawsuit, which alleged discrimination and retaliation, listed among the complaints that Barr cultivated a “frat-house”-style work environment. 

That accusation was supplemented by two affidavits recounting incidents allegedly involving Barr in 2009. 

In the affidavits, one of the ICE employees claimed that in October 2009, while in a discussion about Halloween plans, the individual witnessed Barr turn to a senior ICE employee and say: “You a sexy” (expletive deleted). 

“She then looked at his crotch and asked, ‘How long is it anyway?’” according to the affidavit. 

Outrageous. If the ICE Chief of Staff wants to talk like that, she should transfer to the TSA.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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