The Corner

You Heard It Here First

Novak today has a follow-up on The Corner’s super-exclusive from Wednesday:

“Former international weapons inspector David Kay, now seeking Iraqi weapons of mass destruction for the Pentagon, has privately reported successes that are planned to be revealed to the public in mid-September. Kay has told his superiors he has found substantial evidence of biological weapons in Iraq, plus considerable missile development. He has been less successful in locating chemical weapons, and has not yet begun a substantial effort to locate progress toward nuclear arms. Senior officials in the Bush administration believe Kay’s weapons discoveries should have been revealed as they were made. However, a decision, approved by President Bush, was made to wait until more was discovered and then announce it — probably in September.”

At the end of my post on Wednesday that said much the same thing I had written, “We should hear more in September, and it will vindicate those—i.e., nearly everyone–who said Iraq had active WMD programs.” The funny thing here is that I think—if memory serves—Novak was one of the few people who doubted that Iraq had active programs…

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