The Corner

Yes, Each Day Can Be Worse than Yesterday

Just when you thought the race had gotten as strange and tawdry as it possibly could, this happened. First, a man has come forward to rebut claims that Trump groped a woman on a flight decades ago:

Donald Trump’s campaign says a British man is countering claims that the GOP presidential nominee groped a woman on a cross-country flight more than three decades ago.

The man says he was sitting across from the accuser and contacted the Trump campaign because he was incensed by her account — which is at odds with what he witnessed.

“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign.

And who is Mr. Gilberthorpe? A rabbi on his way to an ethics conference? A doctor traveling to present a paper on a bold new cancer treatment? Nope, he’s this guy:

Gilberthorpe made headlines in 2014, when he went public with a claim that as a 17-year-old he procured boys (some who “could have been” underage”) for sex parties with high-ranking British politicians.

Yes indeed, an alleged former teen pimp is vouching for Donald Trump. This is most assuredly 2016 — when every day is a bad day, and each day is worse than the last.

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