The Corner

Yep, the House GOP Has Rubbish PR Skills

Mollie Hemingway nails it on the sheer idiocy of the House leadership in pulling the bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks:

They have zero public relations skills.

It’s not news to anyone that our media are supportive of abortion rights and biased against those who support the rights of the unborn. The media carry quite a bit of water for the pro-choice movement. So, for example, we didn’t see any articles about how radical and extreme — relative to popular opinion — opposition to the bill is. But as soon as Ellmers pulled her stunt, here were the headlines:

National Journal: GOP Leaders Pull Abortion Bill After Revolt by Women, Moderates

Washington Post: Abortion bill dropped amid concerns of female GOP lawmakers

MSNBC: GOP women reject abortion bill, end debate

CNN: House GOP leaders cave on abortion bill

Politico: GOP stumbles over abortion bill

Huffington Post: GOP Congresswomen Get Cold Feet On Anti-Abortion Bill

As the kids used to say, “Smooth move, Ex-Lax. What are you going to do for an encore? Gargle peanut butter?” (NB: This made us laugh in the 1980s. I can’t explain.)

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