The Corner

The Year of The Nerd

From a reader:


For some time now my friends and I have slowly been realizing that we are living in a very special time. A confluence of events has lead to this (most importantly the massive success of The Lord of the Rings movies). Hollywood has discovered the massive purchase power that is nerdom. As a fellow nerd, I am surprised you are not on top of this story. It officially kicks off April 29, and who knows it may wind up lasting much longer than a year. And by now I know you are asking “What happens April 29?” Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy debuts and Mac’s new operating system ships. You know as well as anyone that “42″ has long been a sort of password to let someone know that you are in the presence of another nerd. This is the Holy Grail for nerdom. Then this weekend, on Sunday, Family Guy re-debuts on Fox. Again Nerd heaven. Then of course, the big one for you, and for oh so many, Episode Three, which I admit I was not very excited about, but as zero hour approaches, I begin to feel drawn to it, (I am a nerd after all). I will be there at midnight to see it. Then this summer, we have Batman Begins, which again I’m not excited about but as time comes I will get so. We also have Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We have another Harry Potter book in July and another movie in November (which isn’t for everyone, but still falls under nerdiness) And our favorite son, Peter Jackson, is making a remake of King Kong, which we feel obligated to call nerdy because he’s involved. War of the Worlds by Steven Spielberg comes out in June. And then the capper, this December, the Chronicles of Narnia. I’m sure I am missing some events that all of nerdom will be angry at me for forgetting. But we must seize the moment as nerds to let people know about us and our ways, and invite them to join us.

We must spread the news; The Year of the Nerd has arrived.

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